Get Posts exclude tags Harianto van Insulinde - 16 Apr 2020 Before{{!-- The main content area --}} <main id="site-main" class="site-main outer"> <div class="inner posts"> <div class="post-feed"> {{#foreach posts}} {{!-- The tag below includes the markup for each post - partials/post-card.hbs --}} {{> "post-card"}} {{/foreach}} </div> </div> </main>snippet: index.hbsAfter{{!-- The main content area --}} <main id="site-main" class="site-main outer"> <div class="inner posts"> <div class="post-feed"> {{#get "posts" filter="tag:-[journal]" include="tags,authors"}} {{#foreach posts}} {{!-- The tag below includes the markup for each post - partials/post-card.hbs --}} {{> "post-card"}} {{/foreach}} {{/get}} </div> </div> </main>Snippet: index.hbsGet posts, filter tag but exclude - group [] such as journal and include tags,authors, also to make pagination work: