Journal Automate script with wildcard domains to refresh Letsencrypt certificates Automate to refresh Letsencrypt certificates
linux Generate init.d script for Node apps For people that wants to run node on start-up on Debian/Ubuntu.
linux Configuring Debian 8 (Jessie) VPS Got VPS from for some time now and had reinstalled couple of times trying to achieve idealistic server. > Used previous version and got stumbled upon many problems, and I was used to Ubuntu out-of-the-box-make-my-life-easy scripts. This about what I did; a reminder
linux Node init.d script example > Improved article: Generate init.d script for Node apps [] Working example for Node app as a debian/ubuntu daemon. You need Node's forever module, installed as: -g > npm install -g forever file: #!/bin/bash # # An init.d
Node Createdomain.js A node script to create directory structure and apache NGINX configurations I had previously made a script in Ruby so I translated this in JavaScript Node. Maybe someday I'm going to build some kind of admin to deploy stuff when creating a domain name.
linux Purge log files in `/var/log` directory Log yourself as root with: sudo -s. # to see the list find /var/log -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.log' # to purge files to zero byte find /var/log -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.log' -exec sh -c '> {}' \; > You can
linux Terminal: Copy recursive directory from remote with SSH and TAR Cloning directories from a remote server can be tricky. Sometimes SCP won't be enough. So I find a way to do it correctly for my purpose. root@local-server:/my/destiny/directory# ssh username@remote-server "sudo -S tar --directory='/my/directory/i/want/to/
linux Tar a directory I found a way to compress a directory with link files intact. Zip won't work for me. tar -cvzf UserTemplateBackup.tar.gz "User Template" to extract tar -xvzf UserTemplateBackup.tar.gz Make sure -f flag is last or you'll get an error Copy from
linux Converting Ubuntu 12.04 LTS desktop to server I’ve been wondering how to convert this Ubuntu desktop to server. Also how Bitnami cramps an image of Ghost and ubuntu Server. Well enough wondering. sudo apt-get install tasksel # Note: this may take a few minutes to complete sudo tasksel remove ubuntu-desktop # This
linux Create some vhosts domain structure in ruby script A guide of my own script that creates a directory structure for a new project. I have my Apache web server set up to look for .conf (configuration files) in certain directory. Which in this case on /var/www/_conf/enabled. createdomain.rb require