Guide Guide Create Chat SSR Nuxt app Understanding under the hood without installing plugins.
Journal Automate script with wildcard domains to refresh Letsencrypt certificates Automate to refresh Letsencrypt certificates
Journal Repository: bootstrap-express-2020 I just found out that’s possible to clone a branch/tag from a remote in single command.
Getting Started Getting Started ExpressJS 2020 Generate Express Application for SCSS (Sass) HBS (Handlebars) Git
git Storing Images and Demos in your Repo In this quick walkthough you'll learn how to create a separate branch in your repo to house your screenshots and demo gifs for use in your master's readme. How to 1. Clone a fresh copy of your repo In order to prevent any loss
Journal Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Enemy Intel Nuxt app Enemy Intel Filtering app for efficient searching with Fuzzysearch
Nuxt Pre configuration after generating Nuxt project Personal guide for tedious work before actually starting a project and make a boostrap to save time on new projects.
Journal Can not login docker account When you on your freshly installed PopOS and want to login your Docker account trough terminal docker login, you’ll get: Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exec: "docker-credential-secretservice": executable file not found in $PATH, out: `` To solve this: sudo apt install
Vue Replace Vuex with Vue.observable From the beginning when Vue was v0.12 (5 years ago) and Vuex didn’t exist yet and I had to make own “global” state storage. I had to use $root to access the properties from any component with ease and Crossroads.js [https:
Journal Planning to write own infinite-scroll.js The current state of infinite-scroll.js from the default Casper theme is buggy. I’m going to improve the script and make it work. > Found out it’s my own fault for editing index.hbs file. I didn’t expect you need to add
Ghost Edit your Ghost Post with Shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Click A quick way to edit your Post by clicking an Post element with keyboard combination that redirects you to Admin post editor.
Pop!OS Set Default HDMI audio on PopOS Guide to find out which audio on your HDMI device is running and set which ones as default.
linux Generate init.d script for Node apps For people that wants to run node on start-up on Debian/Ubuntu.
Journal Web Component slots only exist in Shadow Dom I’ve created a web component with . The idea is to put any content inside a web component and the component does the rest. The greatest about Shadow Dom that it doesn’t care about the styling outside the element. And currently slots only
Front end Create quick prototype with Vue and Less (2020) We’re been bombarded with building tools such as Webpack, Gulp and Grunt and what not, but you still want to create something quick, without having an advanced editor by hand and you just want to start on the fly. Ghost blog has a
Journal Shared library axiosBluebird Two beautiful libraries into one to cancel Ajax call with Promise
Ghost Make Disqus comment counting work on Infinite Scroll With MutationObserver you can check which child-elements been mutated
Journal Just created zero tools Vue component PageIndex for this blog Currently we’re bloated with building tools such as Webpack / Gulp / Grunt; that we’re almost forget to build a quick page, a small prototype on the fly with just pure Javascript on the browser. But somehow, just Vanilla Javascript doesn’t cut it,